http://,6353,310-1,00.htmlOk, I know, it's been a long time since I posted. Oh well, get used to my M.O. ... I am, at best, an inconsistent writer-kind of like my journal. I actually wrote a long post about Halloween time and in the process of trying to get pics on there, I lost it. (Picture it: Me, "rackenshnaken stupid pictures..." Kids: "Mom! mmommommommomomomomommm!!! MOM! I'm HUNGRY!!!" Me: "justaminute. justaminute....OK! I'm COMING!" Somehow after that it never comes together again.
I'm writing this having eaten a LOT. of EVERYTHING. It's the day AFTER, and I don't know if I'll ever come off the carbohydrate-induced roller coaster. Sluggish? It's my middle name today. HEY! I know! I'll eat some pie! That'll help...maybe a roll, too. and potatoes and gravy. It's ALMOST 11 a.m., close enough to lunch time, right? I'm hoping that when the supply dries up, so will my desire to eat my own weight in lunch.
Things I'm thankful for:
My husband, who shares his pie with me.
My kids, who are willing to try new dishes that the neighbors brought over: brussel sprouts with parsnips and carrots. Actually, this was VERY good. I HATE brussel sprouts. They're the only veggie I actually can't swallow. But I keep trying it, just in case. It was a success this time.
Our new (2005) white Toyota Sienna. I LOVE this vehicle. Especially since it has windows that roll up and down without getting stuck, a side door that doesn't fall off when you open it, a glove box that doesn't lose its contents when you open it due to the non-attachedness of the door to the car and functional clock. If you want to know why we had to get a new van, you weren't paying attention to that last part.
My life. It's a good one. I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's, warts and all.
My pillow. It's about to claim a victim as I type this in bed.
My Mom and Dad. They're the best I could have ever hoped for.
Good books, both serious and recreational. I've been reading my Conference Ensign,6353,310-1,00.html (I don't know how to do links very well yet, but since I've noticed that there are people commenting on my blog from other countries, maybe this will help). There's so much HOPE. It's so hard to be scared about things happening in the world when you read these talks. Also I re-read the Twilight books before going to the movie...Have to say, I was disappointed in the movie. Not NEARLY enough detail.
Having sufficient for our needs. Maybe not a lot of frosting, but we are able to be fed, clothed and sheltered. I'm so grateful.
This was a long post, I'll try to do better! :-)
13 years ago